Just go to your gallery, tap on the icon that has a Polaroid next to a pencil, and additional options will appear. Other effects can be applied after you click the shutter, which are accessible through the photo manager. Clockwise from left: The original cabbage photo, then applying the Pop Art, Light Flare, and Impressionists photo effects. Then, tap on "manage effects" and uncheck the filters you wish to hide. There are a number of effects to choose from (oil paste, cartoon, tint, and so on), but if you know you'll never use some of these effects, scroll to the end of the menu. It's indicated by the magic wand icon and you can preview what the filters will look like in real time. You can access some directly from the camera, nestled in the settings menu.
Third, familiarize yourself with photo effects. Once you like what you see, click the shutter. Sometimes, though, it can also create unnatural images that you might not like, so be sure to check by tapping on and off the HDR icon, which is represented by a little Venn diagram-looking icon. With HDR, both Donald and the buildings outside his window are appropriately exposed. This can result in really striking, almost surreal, photos that have great contrast. HDR combines several shots taken at varying levels of exposures and composites it into one image. You've probably seen HDR, or High Dynamic Range, mode before on several smartphones, but the GS5 now has the option to toggle real-time feedback of what your HDR image would look like before you take a picture. You might not want them on by default either, but keep this in mind. Some settings that Samsung turns off by default that you should note are recording Ultra HD video, and video stabilization. You can have up to three settings, so make them count. HDR and Selective Focus are already listed as shortcuts, but you can swap them out. Just long-tap any of these settings and drag them to the dash.
The GS5 camera settings, with the shortcut dash on the farthest left.įor settings you anticipate changing frequently, you can keep shortcuts directly accessible on the viewfinder's dash.
Then, scroll though the menu and tap the settings you want to turn on or off or adjust. To access these settings, tap the little gear icon in the corner that appears on the camera's viewfinder. Even if you don't consider yourself to be a serious photographer, it's good to dig into them anyway, so you know exactly what you're getting. So be sure to check your default settings and tailor them to your preferences. Everyone has different tastes and styles when it comes to what they want out of a photo, and Samsung's default options may not be what you like.